Saturday, February 28, 2009

Richardson solid in running the show

Richard Anderson photo
Wyoming sophomore guard Randi Richardson pushes the ball against Air Force on Saturday.
By Richard Anderson

Randi Richardson doesn’t have to score a lot, just enough to make the Cowgirls’ opponents aware threat she can be a threat.

At times this season, Richardson has let the opposition dictate that scenario. In recent games, including Saturday’s 65-34 win over Air Force in the Arena-Auditorium, she has proven otherwise.

Richardson was just 1-of-3 from the field against the Falcons, but her 3-pointer got the team going midway in the second half en route to a 13-point halftime lead. Her job as a defender and as the point guard then went easier.

“We have talked to Randi that she is a good shooter,” Wyoming coach Joe Legerski said. “ She has struggled some this season, like all of the young players have. She started deferring all of the time, not to shoot. She’s really taking a great deal of pride in defending. She got the assignment to guard Raimee Beck and she is 4-of-14, so that is a tribute to Randi.

“I just have to reign her in now and then because she just wants to make every play. I keep telling her that some of these plays are made for you, and she stepped up and knocked down a 3.”

Richardson also finished with eight assist and three steals in running the show. Legerski said that any time a player gets a chance to make a shot or two, it improves their all-around confidence. That is what is happening for Richardson, the redshirt sophomore transfer from Arlington, Wash.

“When you start believing what you are doing, then all of the sudden the defense becomes easier and assists become easier,” Legerski said. “When Randi shoots better, it becomes easier for Hillary Carlson, because then they can’t double down on her.”

Wyoming senior Megan McGuffey credited Richardson for getting the Cowgirls going on their 17-4 run and stabilizing the offense in the second half.

“Randi did a great job and she hit some great passes there,” McGuffey said. “She was pushing the ball at the opportune times. That was needed at that point of the game.”

After a seven-minute scoreless span in the first half, the Cowgirls closed on a 17-4 run for a 30-17 halftime lead. Wyoming put the game away early, scoring 13 of the first 14 points.

McGuffey finished with a game-high 24 points and freshman Kristen Scheffler also had a big game, with 22 points, including 6 3-pointers, while Carlson added 12.
Kim Kreke led the Falcons, 4-23, 0-14 in the Mountain West, with 10 points. Air Force shot just 25 percent from the field (13-of-52).

The Cowgirls, 15-12, 7-7, will close the regular season next week at BYU and New Mexico.

“We’ve won seven out of the last 10, 70 percent, which is tremendous," Legerski said. “We’ve found ways to win and our young kids have grown up. They are playing better and better.

“You take a look tonight at Kristen Scheffler, getting 22 points and shooting 50 percent from 3. Hillary Carlson is basically played half of the game, sharing minutes with Elisabeth Dissen. She gets 12 points and eight rebounds. That just shows you the dominating player that Hillary is becoming. I think this it the growth that you see in young teams. It doesn’t get any easier from here on our, but we’re going to enjoy it today.”

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